by on September 17, 2024

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Yes, you are very likely to receive some biased, or even negative amazon reviews. Every book is not a bestseller. Even bestsellers receive negative reviews. You should expect it. There ought to be a regarding ratings, as well as most people consider average rating, not only 1 poor rating rendered by an unhappy customer.

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So the next time you are sent a bad, maybe embarrassing review, go ahead and give yourself a few minutes, or perhaps day, to vent. Complain, yell profanities, throw things, whatever your personal style is, then get down to business to see if you will discover something useful discover glean of computer. In the end, in the event you decide the reviewer actually is from another planet and completely off course (and that does happen too), then great. It's prerogative becoming author set up your preference. Do remember, too, that you simply please everyone. All of us have read books that weren't individual favorites. It's okay.

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