on May 30, 2024
Prov. 28:25 -He who reproves a man’s ways Shall have more grace than he who flatters him. Prov. 11:23,24: internet chicks - 23 There are those who sow their very own things and produce extra issues, And there are those that gather but have less. Ezek. 12:24 -For there shall no longer be any false imaginative and prescient or favorable prophesying in the midst of the youngsters of Israel. Ecc. 10:12 -The words of a sensible mouth are gracious, But the lips of a fool shall swallow him up. 18 I am the mother of truthful love, and fear, and knowledge, and holy hope: I therefore, being eternal, am given to all my youngsters who're named by Him.
Wisdom of Solomon: 3:14 Blessed is also the eunuch who has completed no lawless deed, Nor thought evil issues against the Lord; For a chosen grace of religion will be given to him, And a delightful portion within the temple of the Lord. This man will go hungry, 21 For grace was not given to him from the Lord, Because he's destitute of all knowledge. Sir. 3:18-19: The greater you might be, the more humble you must be, And you'll find grace before the Lord; 19 Because great is the power of the Lord, And He is honored by the humble.
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