During the 2024 presidential argument, candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, revealed his sight that Prabowo Subianto's recommended option for addressing human rights concerns in Papua wants. Ganjar highlighted the requirement for a comprehensive discussion including all teams in Papua to effectively solve these concerns, considering it the root of the trouble. The General Election Payment of the Republic of Indonesia (KPU RI) organized a discussion for Presidential (Capres) and Vice Presidential (Cawapres) candidates for the 2024 Political election, beginning on Tuesday, December 12, 2023. The very first dispute began at 7:00 PM neighborhood time. A total amount of 2,120 consolidated security personnel from the military and police were released for the security of the very first dispute. Concerning the protection prep work for the night, the Principal of Cops of Central Jakarta, Commissioner Susatyo Purnomo, specified that 2,120 mixed armed forces and police personnel would be on sharp. He discussed that the Central Jakarta Authorities, Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Cops, Jaya Armed Force Command, and the Jakarta Provincial Federal government would certainly deploy these employees for protection, covering areas from Resort Indonesia Roundabout to Imam Bonjol Road approximately Taman Suropati. Susatyo described that the joint safety and security pressures would map the areas around the KPU RI headquarters. He kept in mind that rings 2 and 3 encompassed the KPU RI workplace environments, consisting of Hotel Indonesia Roundabout to Taman Suropati. Ring 1 would certainly be secured by the authorities pressure from the National Police Head Office. The Presidential Candidate Discussion Starts with Anies Baswedan's Vision and Objective Presidential prospect primary, Anies Baswedan, took part in the very first dispute of the 2024 Presidential Election at the KPU RI office in Jakarta on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at night. Anies mentioned that numerous guidelines had actually been bent to serve the rate of interests of those in power. Anies stressed the relevance of a guideline of regulation that focuses on justice and advantages for all citizens. He worried that those in power, particularly those at the top, have to support justness and assurance for everyone. He also highlighted the requirement to review guidelines that have been bent to suit the passions of those in power. Prabowo Subianto's Vision and Mission Presidential prospect second, Prabowo Subianto, provided his vision and objective throughout the 2024 Presidential Political election discussion. He shared his long-lasting dedication to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution since his young people. Prabowo stressed that the structure of the nation is based on legislation and the sovereignty of individuals. Prabowo acknowledged the existing shortcomings in Indonesia yet vowed to address them as President if offered a required by the individuals. He promised to combat corruption at its roots and enhance regulation enforcement. Prabowo's objective was to improve the protection device and accelerate economic advancement. Ganjar Pranowo's Vision and Goal Governmental candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, shared the results of his project journey along with his running companion, Mahfud Md, from Sabang to Merauke. Ganjar expressed his readiness to improve public centers, from healthcare to education. He highlighted an experience with a pastor in Merauke that, because of limited healthcare access, needed to learn exactly how to assist a mommy in giving birth by enjoying YouTube. Ganjar vowed to implement a program of giving one health care employee per town. Prabowo's Views on Human being Civil Liberties and Dispute in Papua In the first Presidential Candidate Debate, Prabowo Subianto was asked about his strategy for attending to civils rights problems and conflicts in Papua. He explained the circumstance in Papua as made complex because of separatist movements and international disturbance. Prabowo worried the importance of prioritizing human rights and shielding all Papuan citizens, including combating terrorist teams that target Papuans. Prabowo's plan included reinforcing safety and security forces and increasing economic development in the area. Ganjar Pranowo's Response to Taking care of the Papua Conflict Presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo reacted to Prabowo Subianto's declaration concerning the handling of the Papua problem. Ganjar highlighted the requirement for discussion as an essential element of resolving the facility concerns in Papua. He thought that Prabowo's recommended remedies were insufficient and that a wider, comprehensive discussion was needed to bring all stakeholders together. Anies Baswedan's Point of view on Attending to the Papua Dispute Governmental candidate Anies Baswedan responded to a question regarding violence in Papua throughout the debate. Anies mentioned that the issue in Papua was not only about violence. He recognized numerous difficulties, including terrorism, separatism, and criminal activity. Anies stressed the value of justice for individuals of Papua and advocated for non-violent discussion as a way of settling the problems. Ganjar Pranowo's Sights on Administration Governmental candidate Ganjar Pranowo was inquired about governance and enhancing civil services. Ganjar, making use of his 10 years of experience, detailed his strategies for enhancing public services and ensuring equal therapy, particularly for prone teams like ladies, youngsters, and individuals with handicaps. His approach included involving these groups in decision-making procedures and establishing public oversight mechanisms to address issues and supply responses. Prabowo Subianto's Mention of Ganjar's Program as Guv During the debate, Prabowo Subianto increased concerns concerning the difficulties encountered by farmers, especially in Central Java, in accessing fertilizer. He mentioned the Kartu Tani program initiated by Ganjar throughout his tenure as Guv, which, according to Prabowo, complicated the process of getting plant food. Prabowo asked for a simplification of the plant food circulation system to attend to farmers' worries. Anies Baswedan's Point of view on Public Services in Jakarta Anies Baswedan resolved the recurring concern of public service issues during the discussion. Anies highlighted his success in Jakarta via the Jakarta Kini (JAKI) application, which concentrated on offering solutions to prone groups such as the senior, children, expecting females, and individuals with disabilities. Approaches to Battle Corruption According to Anies Baswedan Governmental candidate Anies Baswedan detailed 4 necessary actions to combat corruption and hold corrupt individuals accountable. His methods consisted of imposing the law against corrupt people, seizing their properties, and making certain that penalties correspond to their actions. He also emphasized the requirement to change the Corruption Obliteration Commission (KPK) regulation and give incentives to those that assist in coverage and investigating corruption situations. Efforts to Prevent Corruption According to Ganjar Pranowo Presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo reacted to a concern concerning hindering corruption and worried the relevance of taking properties and locking up corrupt authorities on Nusakambangan Island. He additionally highlighted the demand for leaders at all degrees to set an example by living a corruption-free way of living and advertising meritocracy. Prabowo Subianto's Dedication to Reinforce KPK Governmental candidate Prabowo Subianto promised to reinforce establishments to combat corruption, including the Corruption Removal Commission (KPK). He stressed the value of eliminating corruption at its core by empowering organizations such as the authorities, prosecution, and ombudsman. Prabowo highlighted that corruption is a dishonesty of the country and pledged to eliminate it non-stop. 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