by on June 9, 2024
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Using Market Samurai we realise that the phrase "fetal doppler" gets 6,600 exact match searches monthly. Based on this criteria alone this appears to be a good niche compete in. But, let's not get our hopes up yet. We have to the the competition and observe difficult rrt's going to be to organically rank for "fetal doppler". Using the SEO Competition module in Market Samurai we may do exactly who. 1)First, if you aren't registered on amazon reviews, do so---then set your profile. Place the your photo, your interests, your background, and, of course, your book title and an attractive, concise description of this book. You're off together with a great beginning. You cannot, of course, just depend upon your old classmates, coworkers, friends, and family. You'll need to expand your audience as quickly as you can. I did mention seeking reviews and promotions on book world-wide-web. 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