by on June 22, 2024

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OK, so i don't exactly how many other books have been in the 'sales and marketing' category, or how long it will remain amazon reviews in the top 10 (it's dipped out and in at least three times so far, to my knowledge - not that we are tracking it incessantly!). And, to be fair, Certain yet know if that represents sales of 2,000 books, 20 books or 2 books! My printer, Lulu, prints books on demand (minimum quantity 1), explaining due to give 'creator revenues' into my PayPal account after 5 to 8 weeks.

It isn't good to beg your customers to leave nice feedback for you have. This is a violation of online review leadership. Besides, you may upward doing your own great endanger. So, consumers are principled and open. So, if you beg for positive feedback, they will tell everybody that you are begging for positive feedback while the services you provide are unsavoury.

For most authors, getting a book on Amazon is really a thrilling experiences. Think of how many people shop there every. millions! The exposure to such a massive site could really increase your business and purchasers. Using the keywords in your book description and titles, a searcher could stumble upon you book and make a purchase at just the right time. But consider the various ways you may well found on Amazon.

A second way: You can ask pals and family to read your book and post good views. (If a friend doesn't such as writing, don't ask him/her to post a go over.) A third way: Look for reviewers on Impact of amazon product reviews who have written good reviews of comparable books to yours. Then contact those reviewers if you can find their contact details.
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